Matt Seipold

urban planner, AICP


Above is an aerial photograph from a drone flight I flew in Salt Lake County.

Learning from the built environment

My career has been focused around transportation planning with a strong emphasis on active transportation. However, I want to deepen my knowledge and broaden my experience in the planning field. I want to learn more from the connections among communities and the built environment. Whether it is resiliency or environmental planning, urban design, or land use planning, I am ready to jump in.


Graphics and Layout

I spend a lot of time creating graphics and layouts for documents, reports, and presentations.

This graphic displays various elements of a portion of State Road 111, located on the west side of Salt Lake County.

Hurricane Cross-section.jpg

The transportation planning process often involves creating cross sections for the public and clients so ideas can be better understood and discussed.


When appropriate, I try to add elements that reflect the region, like the red rocks and cactus I created for this cross section for Hurricane City located in southern Utah.

AT facility type - Copy.jpg

Similar to cross sections, this graphic helps clarify specific roadway elements that go into active transportation design. I redesigned this image from an existing graphic that was being shared around organizations, but the image quality was low. Now the graphic can be altered to suit specific documents or presentations.

Basic Concepts_One Way Frontage Signals.jpg

The basic graphics used during the planning process help stakeholders make decisions. These graphics were among several used for a brainstorm meeting to discuss potential designs for a frontage road system outside of Moab, Utah.

Basic Concepts_One Way Frontage R-Cuts.jpg



Here is one of several design concepts I prepared for the 300 West reconstruction project in Salt Lake City. This is one section of the 1.7 mile corridor. Three separate concepts were created and plotted at over four feet in length for stakeholder and community meetings.


The graphic shows a two-way cycle track concept design option on the west side of the road. Ultimately, that was the final design. This corridor is currently under construction and is planned to be completed in 2023.

This map shows STRAVA usage and existing active transportation facilities in Sandy.

This map shows STRAVA usage and existing active transportation facilities in Sandy.

This page explains roadway level of service using text and graphics.

This page explains roadway level of service (LOS) using a combination of text and graphics.

This map shows future development around Sandy’s rapidly growing downtown area. It is accompanied by a table in the document.

This map shows future development around Sandy’s rapidly growing downtown area. It is accompanied by a table in the document.

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Sadny Demographics_Page_01.jpg

Sandy Transportation Master Plan

I created the graphics, worked on or created many of the maps, wrote a good deal of the content, have edited most all of it, made or reproduced the graphs and charts, took the City photos, and designed the document layout.

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In this map, the locations shown in blue are beyond a half mile distance from transit stops in Murray.

In this map, the locations shown in blue are beyond a half mile distance from transit stops in Murray.

This map shows a point of concern, an existing bike lane, a transit hub, and the neighboring land use.

This map shows an area of concern, an existing bike lane, a transit hub, and the neighboring land use.

This graphic explains ‘sight triangle’ requirements in Murray.

This graphic explains ‘sight triangle’ requirements in Murray.

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Murray Transportation Master Plan

Much like the Sandy Transportation Master Plan, I created the graphics, worked on or created many of the maps, wrote a good deal of the content, have edited most all of it, made or reproduced the graphs and charts, and designed the document layout.

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Kearns and Magna Proposal

Propsal Cover.jpg

I created this cover with a combination of a drone photo, ArcGIS Pro, and Adobe Illustrator.

I did the layout, schedule, organization chart, and almost all graphical items. I was also responsible for writing much of the content.


Here are a few logos that I have created.

(From left to right)

  • North Lakeshore was an area visioning project around the northern portion of Utah Lake.

  • This is based off of the road sign for SR-111. It helped brand our work done for a corridor study.

  • This is a logo that incorporates the Murray City “M“ that is used for the municipalities branding. This logo was used for public outreach during the Murray Transportation Master Plan.